These natural essential oils are hand-blended in small batches to maintain oil quality when blended with carrier ingredients.
Please use essential oils with care. Do not take essential oils internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Children should be supervised when using essential oils and blends. Flush with water if someone gets essential oils in eyes. Women who are pregnant or nursing should consult physician regarding safety of specific ingredients.
Allergy Test:
Before using topically, perform a small patch test on your inner forearm by applying a small quantity of diluted essential oil and apply a bandage. Wash the area if you experience any irritation. If no irritation occurs after 48 hours, it should be safe to use on unbroken skin.
*The information presented on products, in marketing literature and on website, is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional if you have a medical condition or any health concerns.
About Essential Oil (EO) Blends
Essential oils are plant essences that are super concentrated, so each drop is very potent. The EO’s are blended with other carrier oils to dilute them so they may be safely used topically on the skin. They may also be mixed with distilled water and other liquids so they may be used on hard and soft surfaces or in the air.
I use a variety of brands of pure essential oils and extracts that I research and find to be quality oils. I use dedicated tools and proper sanitation procedures to preserve the quality and efficacy of the essential oils. My family and friends are my volunteer test subjects so safety is a priority for my products. I would never offer something that I don’t feel comfortable using on us.
Essential oils are very complimentary to a healthy lifestyle. They have a wide range of uses and can enhance all the senses in a gentle, non-invasive way. You can easily incorporate them into your life with convenient roll-on or fine-mist spray bottles in a variety of designs.
NHS Specialty Blends
Made to Move: This is a blend with CBD oil and a combination of Lemongrass, Lavender, 2 kinds of mint and Frankincense. A little goes a long way with this popular blend that is perfect as a roll-on or a spray to apply to muscles and joints.
Banish: This blend is heavy in Citronella and Mint to keep insects away from skin. We also find it soothing to insect bites when we forget to apply at first. Feels great on the skin and safe on face and neck without harsh chemicals.
Composure: This air and fabric spray is a unique blend of Vanilla, Lavender and Basil. This is a great combination to spritz around your rooms at home or the office to give a soft, pleasant scent to your space.
Peace of Mind: Rosemary and Eucalyptus Blue mix with Citrus for this blend. This is great as a roll-on or a spray. A touch to the temples, back of the neck or forehead is all it takes to feel the effects of this head clearing formula.
Quench: Skin moisturizing oils make this combination great for dry, itchy skin. The gently soothing Chamomile and Lavender combine with CBD and cooling mint oils in this blend.
Pit Juice: This is just what it sounds like, body deodorant. Diluted vinegar mixes with Rosemary, Lavender and other ingredients to neutralize odor for a few hours to all day, depending on sweat level and other factors. *Your favorite scents may be added*
Wellness: This is a warm, spicy blend of Cinnamon, Clove and Sweet Orange that works very well with distilled alcohol to clean hands and body without the use of water. Great for travel.
Many other blend options are available. Call, Text or Email for details.
I make each blend to order so ingredients are as fresh as possible. I do not have my site set up to accept electronic orders at this time. Please call or text: (941) 685-7044 to place your order.
Approx. Size Price
30 drops / 1 ml $1.00
60 drops / 2 ml $1.85
90 drops / 3 ml $2.65
0.25 oz / 5 ml $4.25
0.3 oz / 10 ml $8.00
0.5 oz / 15 ml $11.00
1 oz / 30 ml $20.00
2 oz / 60 ml $35.00
4 oz / 120 ml $60.00
Free shipping on orders $40.00 or more.
Natural Healing Solutions, LLC - Licensed & Insured | PHONE (941) 685-7044 Business Hours Daily 8:00AM-8:00PM
Hand Blended Essential Oils
Massage Therapy
Natural Healing Solutions