Scheduling Your Massage
Most people can benefit from massage therapy, however there are certain medical conditions that require special precautions or rule out massage all together. Your health and safety are very important to me. When you call to schedule your first appointment, you will be asked a few basic questions regarding your health status, medications etc. Please be honest when answering health questions. These questions help to determine what type of massage therapy is appropriate for you. Depending on your current health condition, I may ask for a release from a physician.
Preparing for Your Appointment
During Your Appointment
I will check in regarding comfort level and pressure. You may move around as needed during the session and I will let you know if I need you to move a specific way. Please remember that if at any time during your session you are uncomfortable, be sure to speak up so adjustments can be made to make you more comfortable. A little discomfort (ie. tight spots, sore muscles, etc.) may be expected. However, pain is your body's way of letting you know something is not right. Every person has different needs, therefore it is very important to communicate so we may utilize techniques that work best for you and avoid options that cause more problems for your conditions.
About Mobile Services
Natural Healing Solutions
Natural Healing Solutions, LLC - Licensed & Insured | PHONE (941) 685-7044 Business Hours Daily 8:00AM-8:00PM
Massage Therapy